Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bellas...the beanie babies of the stamping world

I just found bellas a few months back. I ordered a few and started playing and immediately I knew I wanted more, I need them all. I wait online impatiently refreshing each time Em posts that there will be new ones. Then one evening I suddenly realized that I have not had this feeling since the early nineties when I was swept up by the beanie baby craze. My daughter (who is now 20) and I would stand in line for the stores to open in hopes of the elusive new release. We even drove from McDonald's to McDonald's purchasing happy meals for the teeny beanies (now there's a thought, bellas in happy meals...that would make me REAL happy). We fed many a homeless person happy meals that summer. The thing is that once you got the beanies there was nothing really to do with them. We dressed some of them and displayed them in baskets, on shelves and in clear acrylic boxes (we had a Glory bear from the All Star game) but what else could you do with them? Bellas are better because once you get them there are so many things you can do. And I never had beaniebabiesanonymous. Now I have the bellaholics group, a group of wonderful Sistahs who share my addiction. They are willing to trade (that never happened with beanies) and inspire me to do more and more with my bellas. So where are my beanies now (I think we had nearly 300...sick huh)? Many of them have been donated to toy drives and children I know, still more are boxed up in storage. Where are my bellas? They proudly sit on my craft table, or ride along in my tote to crops. They have become my friends and and have introduced me to a whole new sistahood. So now I am off to my happy place to create more friends. I'll post pics soon.

1 comment:

deb said...

Wow, I can relate to this! I remember it well. We had so much fun though getting those Beanies! My daughters beanies are in two HUGE totes in the basement! My Bella's, like yours, sit on my desk, I know I get one smile a day when I look at them! We love our Bella's!!
MWAH Sistah!
deb in mn